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Other Worship 

Celtic Morning Prayer

Every Tuesday at 9.15am we have a small, half an hour reflective service with an opportunity to discuss our readings and pray together.  

Please come to the Dumbreck Road entrance of St. Luke's for this worship service.

Midweek Communion Services 

There are various Communion services which happen midweek.
Every second Thursday at 9.30am is the Mother's Union Midweek Communion.
We also have occasional evening communion services on Mondays at 7.30pm which are advertised in our calendar as well as other seasonal opportunities.

Forest Church
There are occasional opportunities to worship outside - these are advertised when they occur.

Please look at the calendar to find out more.
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Planning your Visit

About St. Luke's

Sunday service

The Parish of St Luke, Eltham Park is a Church of England parish in the Diocese of Southwark in the London Borough of Greenwich. 

We are an Inclusive Church where all are welcome. 

We worship together on Sundays and during the week with a variety of traditional and modern styles. Children are always welcome and we have Children’s church (Sunday School) or an All Age Communion every Sunday during our 10am worship.  We also have many other opportunities for children including Bubble Church once a month, as well as occasional Forest Church and Messy Church.

Our church is open  during the week for many community and social activities - such as exercise classes, craft club and our Fellowship social Group. We strive to express the love of God in a practical way.

We love diversity and we love to see new people.
We really hope that you will feel at home in St. Luke's Church Family.